Saturday, September 21, 2013

Teamwork Tips for Managers: Creating a Power Team Made Easy

Attain your business goals by fostering better team dynamics 
Do you have what it takes to be a good manager? Do you have the ability to bring out the best from your team? You need to realize that as a manager, you have the power to make or break the organization. With such a critical role in your hands, you need to have the competency to create and nurture a high performing team. You need to bring your team together and encourage them to work toward a common goal. How do you do this? Here are some essential teamwork tips that can help you become a better manager.

Creating a Powerhouse Team: Some Tips to Consider

    1. Identify your goals. Communicate your goals and expectations clearly right from the start to avoid any disagreements within the team. 

    2. Define responsibilities. Having clear-cut responsibilities and accountabilities can help reduce friction among group members so make sure they understand their individual roles perfectly. Play to their individual strengths by assigning tasks that allow them to use their skills and competencies. 

    3. Training is the key to success. Remember, your team is only as strong as its weakest link so do everything you can to further enhance your team members' skills and capabilities.

    4. Empower your team. Give your people the power to make their own decisions pertaining to the task at hand but carefully monitor them to make sure they are doing the right thing. 

    5. Provide valuable feedback. Let your group members know what you think about their work. Never let them second guess your opinion for it may affect the quality of their work. Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to steer them in the right direction.

    6. Reinforce positive results. Rewarding your people as a team for a job well done can foster a more positive office environment. In addition, you should reward high performing team members as well.